Corval Insights

Pharma Launch Planning: 10 Ways to Improve Your Process

Written by Corval | Jul 31, 2023

Whether for strategy, commercialization, or any complex initiative before you, planning is critical. In the continually evolving biopharma industry, effective commercialization planning is still key to unlocking the full potential of your asset to address the unmet needs of the patients you hope to serve. It's a meticulous journey navigating through the intricacies of research and development, regulatory requirements, market analysis, and patient needs, all while aligning with your company's strategic goals and ensuring you have the financing you need.

In this blog post, we present "Pharma Launch Planning: 10 Effective Strategies for More Impact," empowering you to build a solid foundation for your biopharma endeavors. Many of these should be considered in parallel while also ensuring your team innovates in using technology to get the job done efficiently and effectively.

1. What is your vision and end goal?

In pharmaceutical launch planning, having a clear vision and end goal is crucial. This involves understanding the ultimate objectives of your launch, such as market penetration, patient reach, and revenue targets. Knowing these goals helps identify the must-have elements of your plan and prioritize the most critical tasks. Reflect on what you and your team can realistically deliver and develop strategies to unite your team around these objectives. This unity ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal and is motivated to achieve success.

2. What does success looks like?

Success in pharma launch planning isn't just about achieving the final deliverable. It also includes the process, the learning experiences, and the level of collaboration among team members. Define what success looks like for your team—whether it's the smooth execution of the launch, effective knowledge and capabilities transfer, or strong cross-functional collaboration. Recognizing these elements helps keep the team aligned and focused on both short-term and long-term goals.

3. Prioritize how the work gets done 

An efficient pharmaceutical product launch requires prioritizing activities and objectives and potentially introducing innovative methods of operation. Assess whether the tools and technologies you use for meetings, communication, and collaboration are optimal for your needs. For instance, using a dynamic technology such as Corval can enhance teamwork and cooperation, maximize flexibility, and provide the full picture at a glance. Ensuring that your tools support your workflow can streamline the planning process and improve overall efficiency.

4. Keep planning teams lean and focused 

While diverse perspectives are valuable, keeping your planning teams lean and focused is essential for efficient and impactful planning. Assign clear, specific roles to team members and empower them to make decisions and drive the process forward. While it's beneficial to gather input from a broad section of the company, actual planning should be handled by a few dedicated and engaged individuals. This approach minimizes confusion and ensures a cohesive strategy.

5. Consider the human factor 

Pharma launch planning is inherently challenging, even in the best of times. Incorporate elements of levity or team-building exercises in planning meetings to keep morale high and ensure everyone feels aligned with the same objectives. These activities can strengthen team bonds and improve collaboration, making the planning process more enjoyable and effective

6. Avoid process for process' sake

Make it clear which decisions and outputs are necessary for your pharmaceutical product launch plan. The best plans are dynamic documents that guide efforts and evolve throughout the year, rather than static documents that sit on a shelf. Focus on creating actionable plans that provide clear guidance and adapt as needed to meet changing circumstances and new insights.

7. Choose a planning framework.

Adopting a planning framework, as suggested by The NemetzGroup, can link everyone in a clear, collaborative effort. This framework should provide purpose, energy, and focus. Give your planning framework a brand name, clarify the expected output, and define each person’s contribution. The process of choosing the framework itself can help align the team and set the stage for effective partnership.

8. Model flexibility and agility

Embracing agility is key. Plans, roles, and processes need to be flexible and able to adapt to new insights and realities as they emerge. This nimbleness ensures that your team can respond effectively to unexpected challenges and opportunities, keeping the launch on track and aligned with your overall objectives.

9. Expect the unexpected

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “The only constant in life is change.” Pharma launch plans often take longer to develop than anticipated due to the inherent complexity, regulatory hurdles, and changing clinical data. Manage expectations within your team and across the organization by acknowledging that change is a constant. Preparing for unexpected developments helps maintain morale and ensures that the team can adapt and persevere.

10 Celebrate!

Celebrations are not optional fluff. They keep us connected, reinforce relationships, and encourage future positive behavior. Regularly celebrating milestones and achievements helps maintain high morale and motivates the team to continue striving for success.

Whether you are a seasoned C-suite executive or a newly minted director, these invaluable insights and strategic recommendations can help you navigate the complexities of the industry and elevate your commercialization planning process to new heights.

We believe technology available in a robust, prepopulated commercialization platform like Corval can jumpstart the otherwise laborious building process of the strategic roadmap and resource plan. Why not start closer “with the end in mind” and tailor it to your individual needs?

Need help getting started? Reach out today and speak to one of our commercialization experts at